婦產科︰ Obstetrics & Gynecology
子宮︰ Uterus
子宮口︰ Cervix
陰道︰ Vagina
月經︰ Menstruation (Periods)
下腹部痛︰ Lower abdominal pain
陰道分泌物︰ Vaginal Discharge
月經周期︰ Menstrual Cycle
月經痛︰ Dysmenorrhea
懷孕︰ Pregnancy
預產期︰ Date of delivery; Due date
害喜︰ Morning sickness
胎兒心音︰ Fetal Heart Sounds
流產︰ Miscarriage
墮胎︰ Abortion
破水︰ Membrane Rupture / Water broken
陣痛︰ Labor Pain
早期破水︰ Premature Rupture
腿抽筋︰ Leg Cramp
排卵︰ Ovulation
受精︰ Conception
著床︰ Implantation
胎兒︰ Fetus
胎動︰ Fetal Movement; Quickening
妊娠紋︰ Striations of Pregnancy (common saying: strech mark)
尿道炎︰ Urinary tract infection (縮寫UTI)
蛋白尿癥︰ Albuminuria
羊水過多︰ Polyhydramnion
胞狀畸胎︰ Hydatid Mole
宮外孕︰ Ectopic Pregnancy
輸卵管懷孕︰ Tubal Pregnancy
產道︰ Birth Canal
直腸檢查︰ Rectal Examination
陰道檢查︰ Internal (Vaginal) Examination
分娩︰ Delivery
子宮收縮︰ Contraction
會陰切開︰ Episiotomy
會陰縫合︰ Perineorrhaphy Stitch
產後︰ After Birth
臍帶︰ Umbilical Cord
胎盤︰ Placenta
惡露︰ Lochia
早產︰ Premature Birth
死產︰ Still Birth
雙胞胎︰ Twins
多胞胎︰ Multiple Birth
胎盤前置︰ Placenta Praevia
胎盤分離︰ Separation of the Placenta
盤卷臍帶︰ Coiling of the Umbilical Cord
骨盆狹窄︰ Narrow Pelvic
會陰裂傷︰ Laceration of the Perineum
子宮破裂︰ Tubal Rupture
產褥熱︰ Puerperal Fever
剖腹產︰ Caesarean Section
產鉗助產︰ Forceps Delivery
母乳喂養︰ Brest Feeding
人工喂養︰ Bottle Feeding
初乳︰ Colostrum
新生兒︰ Newborn Baby
懷孕中毒癥︰ Toxemia of Pregnancy
見紅︰The bloody show
緊急避孕藥:morning after pill